Leadership Archives

graphic that says 7 habits of highly effective virtual teams

7 Habits of Highly Effective Virtual Teams

Stephen R Covey wrote the  groundbreaking Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. In the spirit of his book, I have a few ideas about effective virtual teams. It’s kind of a passion of mine. My research and my book Virtual Teams for Dummies continue to motivate

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Graphic that says EQ in an AI world: why emotional intelligence is critical in the virtual workforce

EQ in an AI World: Why Emotional Intelligence is Critical

The advancements in artificial intelligence are staggering – self-driving cars, digital personal assistants like Siri and Alexa. Heck, IBM’s Watson is solving medical cases that have stumped doctors for years. Looking beyond the sci-fi hype, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about what AI

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graphic that says top 10 ways to set clear expectations

Top 10 Ways to Set Clear Expectations

Wait! You can’t read my mind? Too often, that’s what managers inadvertently expect from their employees about job expectations. Rather than communicate and set clear expectations – the milestones against which employees are reviewed and rewarded — they assume their employees know what to do

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an employee falling backwards into her leader's hands

Trust Means EVERYTHING To Your Business

Trust creates a workplace where information is shared freely and openly, silos are non-existent, and people are involved in designing their own jobs and creating systems to do their jobs to the best of their ability.

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a leader looking at an intimidating question

Top 10 Powerful Questions to Ask as a Leader

Solid strategic plans, strong work relationships, high morale and improved performance are all byproducts of good questions. This potent communication tool can help you discover important information about your work, yourself, your team, your customers

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