coaching Archives

a leader leading four employees

Are You a Catalyst Leader? Here’s How To Become One

Webster’s dictionary defines a catalyst as ‘an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action.’ In business, a catalyst leader is no different. It is someone who ignites action in others. That stimulus might jump-start a change in an inefficient process, spawn a new

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goldfish jumping from one bowl to another

CHANGE QUIZ: How Well Do You Cope with Change?

Change is inevitable and even a positive thing in many cases. After all, you can’t grow if you’re standing still in your comfort zone. However, mental health professionals recognize that even positive change can create stress. But whether change is your own making or forced

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graphic that says teamwork makes the dream work

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

You’ve heard that ‘teamwork makes the dream work.’ It might surprise you to learn that it took me some time to learn this lesson. Early in my consultant career, I took everything on myself. I happily built up my business and was confident taking care

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one red king chess piece, several white pawn chess pieces

Too Many Bosses, Not Enough Leaders

You got the title, the business card, maybe even the corner office. Well done! You have all the trappings of a leader. Around the office, people listen to you, other people report to you, you have a “seat at the table,” as they say. You’ve

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