Leaders are defined by actions, not titles.

Now more than ever, we need strong leaders. During this time of chaos in the workplace, we’re seeing an even greater interest in our most popular leadership training topics at PRC (in addition to our top team-building programs), since organizations realize this is a critical time to invest in leadership development.

Continue reading to learn more about the most popular leadership training topics our clients have been planning for 2023 and are getting the most traction.

Virtual Leadership Training

This is an obvious one and a topic that will only be more important in the months to come. Effective virtual leadership skills are truly essential now. How do you lead a team you can’t see face-to-face? How do you motivate and engage people across the globe from your home office? Virtual team leaders need a new set of skills — collaboration, communication, trust-building, ensuring accountability, leveraging technology, and much more. In order to realize the many benefits of virtual teams, leaders need to understand the challenges and solutions unique to virtual teams.

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team practicing effective virtual leadership

Emotional Intelligence Training

In our increasingly disconnected, remote work environments, it will be the people who recognize the importance of human connection and emotional intelligence that will rise to the top. Organizations want leaders who can relate to the thoughts, emotions, or experiences of others. In today’s workplace where most of our connection happens through screens, emotional intelligence provides the tools to see and interpret non-verbal body language. Leaders who have the ability to harness their emotions and apply them to things like problem-solving, motivating a team, dodging political hot buttons, and identifying the right people for the right roles, are valuable in any organization.

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Leadership Boot Camp

Too many newly promoted managers and supervisors are thrust into their leadership roles completely unprepared. Moving from ‘bud’ to ‘boss’ is a complicated transition that requires training and new skills. Getting the promotion is just the beginning. New leaders need upskilling to make a smooth and highly successful transition to their new role. Research shows that millennials consistently rank “opportunities to learn and grow” as high on the list of importance when seeking a job. Take it from us, investing in your new managers will pay off – literally, with significant ROI in recruitment and retention. This Leadership Boot Camp is the perfect jumpstart — and investment in — your new leaders.

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Leadership Coaching

Leadership coaching may be the best way to gain valuable insights into your strengths and opportunities and to become the very best version of yourself as a leader. It’s a true commitment, and it’s definitely hard work, but it can be literally life-changing. And leadership coaching pays off – literally. According to the International Coaching Federation (ICF) leaders who participated in coaching saw 50 – 70% increases in work performance, time management, and team effectiveness. The same study also found that 86% of companies who used coaches made back their initial investment in the coaching process.

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Everything DiSC Work of Leaders

Some people are natural leaders, but for the vast majority of us, leadership is a learned skill. Identifying your own personality style is the foundation of understanding your leadership style. Once you know the most natural way for you to lead, you can better communicate, build trust, and motivate your team towards its goals. It’s the basis of authentic leadership, where listening and leading are highly compatible, and acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses drives higher team trust, open communication, and alignment. DiSC® Certification and Everything DiSC® are the leading workplace behavioral assessment tools. That same scientifically proven behavioral assessment and neutral, non-judgmental process for understanding our differences is the basis of Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders.

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Need more?

We’ve also published our list of the most popular team-building training topics.

And be sure to check out the entire list of our top training topics.

All of the leadership training topics we outlined can be customized based on the specific needs and goals of your organization. At Powers Resource Center, our leadership training programs often combine a variety of these topics to provide a comprehensive and well-rounded development experience for corporate leaders.

Make your life easier and get immediate results with PRC’s  award-winning, ready-made, one-and-done-priced workshop content. Start delivering on-demand leadership training topics TODAY!

PRC’s “Done-for-You,” “Ready-to-Go” transformational workshop content provides your corporate trainers with all the tools they need to change behavior and GET RESULTS!

Learn more about our most-requested leadership training topics and schedule a complimentary strategy session today! 


7 MORE Hot Leadership Training Topics for Executives, CEOs & Directors (Pt.2)


Mastering Leadership: A Roadmap to Achieving Your Leadership Development Goals